Billing Brook School

Reading Snapshot

For one day in February 2019 staff at Billing Brook completed an unannounced reading snapshot. It observed all the different types of reading activities undertaken by students and the resources used to support reading across the curriculum. 

The results of the snapshot showed that reading is seen across the school and in a range of lessons. Pupils read across the curriculum and in a variety of ways. From the data provided there were 43 different types of reading seen across the school. Activities such as reading instructions and information on the IWB, road signs on the way to swimming, recipes in cooking and daily schedules were seen, as well as pupil accessing reading books and comprehension activities.

To support the reading activities at least 24 different resources were used. Resources such as Rising Stars, ReadingWise and word banks were seen, as well as Communication in print, text and photos. Alongside this technology supports reading with the use of IWB, iPads and laptops. Opportunities to use resources such as newspapers, magazine and books were often highlighted in the lessons, as well as accessing machinery, products and packaging to support in the application of reading skills in the wider learning environment.